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How many Auto accidents happen in California per Year?

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Car Accidents Happen in California per Year

The Car Accident Attorney to call if you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident is the Farias Firm. Motor vehicle accidents are traumatic events and consulting with and retaining an experienced and professional Encino Car Accident Lawyer is imperative if you have sustained personal injuries due to your involvement in a motor vehicle accident.

California – with its large population – is the site of many serious and fatal motor vehicle accidents. The Farias Firm is experienced in dealing with such matters on a daily basis, and they are the Attorney best suited to handle any serious or fatal motor vehicle accident case you may have.

Understanding the nature, extent, frequency, and cause of fatal accidents in California is the first step toward prevention. The Farias Firm is proud to share these informative insights with its clients and colleagues as the leading accident lawyer in practice today.

The following statistics are accurate as of the year 2013, which is the last year when such statistics were recorded.

California Locations In Which Most Car Accidents Happencar accidents happen in California per Year

Southern California is the site of most fatal California car accidents. Going by county, the total number of fatal car accidents in Southern California included:

  • Los Angeles – 630
  • Orange – 185
  • Riverside – 225
  • San Bernardino – 264
  • San Diego – 201

California fatal crashes occur more in urban areas (61%) than rural (39%) areas. This is in sharp contrast to nationwide statistics, where the split is 54% rural and 46% urban.


  • Months

October 2013 saw the most fatal accidents take place in California, while January saw the fewest.

  • Days

Weekend days (Saturdays & Sundays) were when the most fatal car accidents took place in California and the fewest took place on Wednesdays.

  • Time of Day

Noon to midnight were the times when the most fatal California motor vehicle accidents took place (5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. being the peak).

4:00 a.m. – 5:00 a.m. was when the fewest fatal accidents took place.

California Car Accident Yearly Statistics

California had 3,000 fatal car accidents in 2013 compared to over 32,000 country-wide.

Deaths Per Fatal Accident in California

Nationally, approximately one person dies per fatal car accident. California is in line with that statistic, with 2,772 fatal accidents resulting in 3,000 deaths in 2013.

State to State Comparison

Because California has so many people, there are more fatal car accidents than in any other state. However, if a measurement is done per capita, for every 100,000 California residents, California reported 7.8 deaths resulting from car accidents in 2013.

That figure is substantially better than the 10.3 national average.

The states that reported the most deaths per fatal accident were Montana, Mississippi, and North Dakota while the states reporting the least deaths per 100,000 residents are the District of Columbia and Massachusetts.

Fatal Car Accident Volume in California

There are more car accident deaths in California than any other state, simply because there are more people in California. Measured per capita or per vehicle mile traveled, California is far from the deadliest state for drivers.

Effect of Alcohol

In 2013, 72% of the drivers who died in fatal car accidents were over the legal limit.

California reported that 78% of the drivers whose blood alcohol content was known who died as a result of a motor vehicle accident were over the legal limit.

Other Causes

There are four main factors that contributed to fatal car accidents in California in 2013. They are as follows:

  • Unsafe rate of speed
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way
  • Improper turns
  • Failure to obey traffic signals or signs
  • Alcohol consumption

Seatbelts As Mitigating Factor

In California, 97% of drivers operate their vehicles with their seat belts fastened. Of that number, one-third of the car occupants who died in a 2013 fatal accident were not wearing seat belts. The other two-thirds were killed even though they were wearing a seat belt.


Car accident deaths have been on the decline since seeing their peak at over 54,000 in 1972. The advent of airbags, seat belts, and safety advanced technologies have made it easier to survive car accidents. Since 2010, the number of people that have been killed in fatal car accidents in California has increased.

Wrongful Deaths

If you have lost a friend or relative as a result of a car accident and are looking for a lawyer, the Farias Firm wrongful death attorneys are of choice. With close to a decade of legal experience, the Farias Firm is the call you should make when seeking the top car accident attorney in practice today.

Contact Farías Accident Injury Lawyer

If you have been recently been involved in an accident hence personal injuries. The wisest thing to do is to contact Encino personal injury lawyer at The Farias Firm on 818-222-2222.


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