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Know About California Motorcycle Helmet Laws

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California Law: Wear a Helmet and then Ride

A motorcycle is the very image of freedom to many Americans, yet many forget a helmet in their imaginings; it’s illegal to ride without a helmet, also very dangerous. Thousands of accidents happen each year in California making Los Angeles motorcycle accident law firms very busy come motorcycle season. Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney firms implore motorcyclists to stay safe and always wear their helmet in you involved in a motorcycle accident.

Protective Gear Will be The First Line of Defense

Protective gear will be the first line of defense between the rider and the road. A helmet will help protect the cranium from ruptures and impacts when a collision occurs; often saving the rider’s life when they should die on impact. Other protective gear increases the chance that a rider may not be injured when a collision occurs, however it is not against the law to abstain from doing so. Unlike the rider, there is very little for a bike to remain intact during an accident. Damages to the bike are often extremely expensive, and insurance companies do not want to cover accidents that could have been caused by the operator. Should a rider be injured not wearing a helmet, insurance companies may refuse to aid them for the operator’s negligence. A Encino motorcycle accident lawyer can see cases like this many times in their work; it’s tough to win but important that they do. The more time that a Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney has before the accident hearing; the more likely that they can help the operator and their passenger get the monetary help they deserve. Motorcycle operators are viewed poorly in the court, often being regarded as responsible and as a danger. The first thing to distance oneself from the stereotype is to know the laws. Wearing a helmet is the first step to determining if an insurance agent will help you cover your repair fees; often a Los Angeles motorcycle accident lawyer is required in cases where the motorcyclist is accused of being reckless.

Wear a Helmet and then Ride

California state law

California state law demands that motorcycle operators and passengers must wear a helmet. Should either the driver or their rider lack a helmet the operator will be cited on the side of the road by law enforcement; the fine can be tremendous. There is debate over what constitutes a helmet, it makes enforcing helmet laws difficult and confusing; often riders will wear an “alternative” to a helmet as a means to avoid wearing one, however wearing a poor alternative can land them in much deeper waters.

If Rider May Not Want to Wear a Helmet

A rider may not want to wear a helmet, they are bulky and an improper fit is uncomfortable; Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney firms groan when this is the case for their client. The bare necessity of a helmet should be covered when wearing an alternative; it must have a polystyrene foam liner at least one inch thick; the helmet should be able to be secured with a chin strap; nothing should protrude over two-tenths of an inch from the helmet casing; the helmet must weight at least three pounds. Many cases of alternative helmets do not meet legal helmet standards, it is best to simply buy a helmet, and always wear it while riding. As a rider, you always have to be responsible for yourself. 

Contact Farías Accident Injury Lawyer for More Help:

If you have been injured while driving in Los Angeles, discussing your rights and options immediately with experienced personal injury lawyers in Encino is a must. Most injury lawyers offer free consultations. You can visit The Farias Firm or call them at (818) 222-2222 to know more.


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