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The Basics of Encino Car Accidents

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Los Angeles Car Accidents Basics

As cars are the primary method of transportation in Los Angeles, it comes to no surprise that accidents occur daily within the city. Although common, having a car accident can be a scary occurrence. While you may experience a bit of shock from the collision, it is important to remain calm. Having a level head will help you follow the laws and procedures for car accidents for the state in which it occurred; as each state has its own governing laws. Before you consider reaching out to the Los Angeles auto accident lawyer, there are a few things you should do. If you were involved in a car accident in Los Angeles, this helpful guide contains information on the steps you should take after the incident.

car accident in Los Angeles

Stop, It’s the Law

Immediately following a car accident in Los Angeles it is required that both drivers stop to check for injuries and damage. Although you may already have a Los Angeles auto accident lawyer on speed dial, it is a requirement that you first check on the other driver. While you may be expecting damages to the vehicles, the accident may have caused bodily injuries as well. According to California laws, drivers are required to stop at the scene of the incident and exchange information. Furthermore, drivers are required to give reasonable assistance to anyone that has been injured and report the accident to CHP or LAPD within 24 hours. Failure to comply with this law may result in restrictions on driving privileges, hefty fines, or other forms of penalization. However, it is important to remember that this law applies to incidents that occur within California. As each state has its own established laws regarding car accidents, they also have their own penalties for reprimanding individuals who do not abide by them.

Additional Recommendations For After Your Car Accident

In addition to the legal requirements referenced above for individuals in car accidents, there are a few other steps you may consider taking after your incident. Although these steps are not required of you by law, they ensure your safety and the safety of others. For example, you may want to consider taking pictures to preserve the evidence of damages and injuries. Additionally, you may want to reach out to your insurance company to inform them of the incident. Some insurance companies have immediate reporting and full cooperation policy requirements. Furthermore, it is recommended that you seek medical attention unless you are completely certain you were not injured. If you were injured in a car accident in LA, you may want to consider consulting a Encino car accident lawyer.

Contact The Experienced Lawyers At Farías Accident Injury Lawyer

Whether you are in a head-on collision or a fender bender, car accidents can be very terrifying. That is why it is important to keep calm and remember what to do after your accident. Immediately following your accident, make sure to stop at the scene of the incident and check for any damages and injuries. While some steps are required of drivers by law, there are a few additional steps that have been recommended for your safety. To include seeking medical attention and contacting your insurance agency. However, if you do forget what steps to take, do not worry. Consider reaching out to a Encino personal injury lawyer, like the ones at Farias Firm, PC for a guide through the process.


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