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The Many Ways a Brain Injury Can Affect Your Life

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Why Contacting an Attorney is Necessary After a Traumatic Brain Injury

Falls are one of the most common causes of traumatic brain injuries and they often occur at your place of work or at businesses that have failed to put out wet floor signs. When a TBI occurs, you will often have an overload of side effects that can potentially affect your personal life and work-life which can make living your everyday life difficult. If you have experienced a TBI, it is important that you seek out help from a TBI lawyer to get help with legal representation and compensation for the brain injury you sustained while out of your home.

Side Effects of Brain Injury

The side effects you may experience after a TBI are:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Muscle paralysis
  3. Problems with facial recognition
  4. Even seizure.

These side effects alone are more than enough to affect your work life and home life which can throw you for a curve in trying to live your normal everyday life. In order to keep on top of your finances and keep yourself out of debt, it is critical to contact a brain injury lawyer to get help receiving compensation for your injuries. The compensation you receive will be able to help you pay your bills and keep food on the table for you and your family

Compensation For Your Brain Injuries in Los Angeles

Although compensation for your injuries will not come quickly, your Los Angeles brain injury lawyer will be able to help you file for social security during your wait time. SSI will help you maintain your bills until your compensation check comes through so you do not have to worry about side effects such as seizures and facial recognition problems affecting your work life as you will be able to sit at home and focus on your rehabilitation rather than working at the office and potentially gaining more injuries for having an episode during your workday.

Contact our Brain Injury Lawyers in Los Angeles

At The Farias Firm, our personal injury lawyers Encino have the experience in brain injuries compensation that you deserve and know-how to help seek full compensation.  Call us at (818) 222-2222 our numbers are impossible to forget!


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