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How much I can claim for pain and suffering from auto accident?

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Auto Accident Lawyer Los Angeles: Introduction

Pain and suffering that you get from car accident injury that wasn’t your fault, after an auto accident, can be very hard to live with, particularly, if someone else has caused the trauma. You need to think about the idea of “pain and suffering” you need to keep things in perspective. Some people get greedy. They go after pain and suffering because they feel they are entitled to it.

There is a difference between “entitlement” and being owed what you deserve. These are some basic terms that everyone should understand before they move forward with their plan.

Here is a list of some of the FAQS lawyers get from clients asking about money for pain and suffering, as a result of a car accident. Contact our Encino car accident lawyers for more help.

Car Accident Lawyer Los Angeles: FAQS You Need To Know About

  • Am I Eligible for Damages?

These are generally known as “general damages”. The pain and suffering term has a catch-22 meaning. General damages include everything from emotional issues to physical pain. Now, if you have suffered a major loss with regards to work and hospital pain than that is an entirely different matter.

Anything that goes into medical issues and losing work time will have you fall under the category.

  • How Much Can I Get?

That is a three-part question. There are different factors the lawyers weigh before deciding. The first part is the easy part. They will add the costs, including medical bills and possible car repairs. The amount you get will depend on how the severity of the car accident. The more damage you face, the more money you can get.

The next section is about determining how severe the issue is. This is one of the hardest parts of the process. The lawyers, insurance companies, and other entities have to determine how much of it you are faking if anything at all.

Some clients face genuine hardships after an accident. Others try to dramatize their situation to get more money. That is why you need to be honest about your hardships. They have ways of determining if you are faking it or not.

Say you have medical costs totaling more than $50,000. Say your situation totals three times the regular amount. They multiply the numbers and arrive at a ballpark figure of $150,000.

Contact A Car Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

Contact our Los Angeles law office at Farias Firm, PC for nothing lawful interview. Our Encino personal injury attorneys delineating the best strategy to take for your benefit.


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