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Some important things to know about slip & fall accidents and it’s a settlement

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The slip and fall injury in most cases happens out of anger or wrongful acts of the landlords, business owners, managers. Which can sometimes cause serious health damage to the person? Most of the time the other person is poor or his family’s livelihood solely depends on him, which can create a serious problem in his life. But there is a way where he can get the compensation he deserves from another party who involved. He should call the slip & fall lawyer which handles the slip and fall case for him in front of the court and provides him the amount of compensation.

Slip & fall accident settlementsSlip and fall

Slip and fall accident settlements depend on the severity of the injury. If the injury is severe which is requiring patients a huge amount of money, then the amount of compensation became heavier. All cases vary from each other the common thing considered in mind by the court is the injury’s severity, the punitive damages, lost wages, and future medical care required for the suffering party.

Most of the people who suffered from such causes may be ignorant about the amount of compensation they can receive from another party. Though this claim amount may vary from case to case.

Here are a few factors which determine the slip and fall settlements.

Harm and damage: Harm and damage caused to the person. If he suffered from such harm that it puts a brake on his life’s pace, then he or his family with the attorney can demand heavy compensation. There can be trauma to the head resulting in brain injury, fractured pelvis, spinal cord injury, shoulder injuries including rotator cuff tears and facial injuries, which can cause serious damage. The attorney collects the medical bills and proofs and puts an estimation of the compensation in front of the court.

Physical and emotional damage: A wrong full act can put the victim in such a psychological or physical state where he will find himself very hard to recover. Then calculations are made on a per diem basis where a jury places a monetary amount for each day that the victim has suffered and multiplies it by the number of days the victim has an is expected to suffer from the incident.

Lost wages and the ability to work: If such an incident happened to the victim where he became unable to work, on which his family’s livelihood depends, then he became eligible for receiving the amount of compensation. It can be calculated by showing proofs of past pay stubs and tax returns. 

So this are some information about slip and fall injury settlements one can have. Contact us to get a consultation from our experts on slip and fall settlements.

Contact Our Slip And Fall Accident Lawyer In Los Angeles

At Farías Accident Injury Lawyer our personal injury lawyers in Encino has experience in slip & fall accidents in Los Angeles. Call us at (818) 222-2222 our numbers are impossible to forget!

If you do not know what to do after Slip and Fall in a Store contact our slip and fall lawyers in Encino for more help.

Read our blog related to slip and fall accident:


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