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Why You Should Save Evidence After an Auto Accident?

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Why You Should Save Evidence After an Auto Accident

Being involved in an automobile accident is very scary. Each year thousands of people across California are hurt or killed in accidents. Here are some reasons why you should save evidence after an auto accident.

You Will Most Likely Need to File an Insurance Claimcar insurance

If you have been in a collision then your vehicle has probably incurred some damage. You will need to file a property and casualty insurance claim with your carrier to have the damage repaired. The adjuster that is assigned to your case will need to determine fault and also compensate anyone involved for damages and medical bills based on the terms of the insurance policies that are applicable to the incident.

After an auto accident, you should try to take pictures of any damage that your car has sustained. You will want to take photos of any injuries on your body and any blood that is in your vehicle. You should also see if any property damage was done to other vehicles so that this can be documented as well. You will need to call the police to the scene so that they can write a formal report. You should collect any damaged items so that you can have them in your possession so that you can try to be reimbursed for them.

You, Will, Need to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit

A car accident lawyer in Encino can help you if you wish to file a personal injury lawsuit. By taking this legal step, you will need to build a solid case with your preserved evidence so that you can be awarded damages for your medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. The car accident lawyer Los Angeles can help you locate witnesses from the scene and take their statements so that you have a better chance of proving your side of the story.

A car accident attorney Los Angeles can help you organize the items that you have collected as evidence. You will want to have copies of your medical records if you are seeking damages for injuries. The court will want to see as much documentation as possible before awarding a judgment. Your car accident attorney Los Angeles can deal with any insurance companies or lawyers that reach out to you.

The auto accident lawyer on your case will want you to let them be your advocate and help to settle your car accident case. This means that you should avoid making any statements to anyone else involved without counsel present. This allows the auto accident lawyer to protect you from any criminal or civil liability that you may be admitting to without your knowledge.

Contact Farías Accident Injury Lawyer For Help:

If you have been involved in an auto accident in Los Angeles and you need to file a property and casualty insurance claim, contact our personal injury lawyer Encino at Farías Accident Injury Lawyer on (818) 222-2222.


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